Coffee & Tea

Information about your favourite cup of Coffee or Tea

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Tea Leafs - Whole leaf teas

What is whole leaf teas?
According to Coffee bean and tea leaf All teas (black, green, oolong) orginate from the same one bush, the camellia sinensis. It is distinguished by it's dark green leaves and fragrant cream colored flowers. During harvest time the glossy whole leaves and young new shoots are picked and processed for optimal freshness. Each new crop of tea derives its unique taste from the particular environment and climate conditions that it is grown, this includes the soil and water, as well as the care and technique of the grower.

Whole leaf tea allows the tea leaves to keep their delicate oils that results in the best flavours for your cup of tea. During the steeping process the leaves unfurl and release theor flavour into the water of your cup of tea, and you get the best cup of tea.
